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Barnes, Sarah

Board: Greater Kalamazoo Association of REALTORS
Office: Live Local Properties
Agent Type: REALTOR
Phone:(269) 806-4741
Email: sarahlbarnes23@gmail.com

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Ernsberger, Rob

Board: Greater Kalamazoo Association of REALTORS
Office: Live Local Properties
Agent Type: REALTOR
Phone:(269) 274-1858
Email: rob@robsellskalamazoo.com
Website: rob.swmichiganhomesforsale.com

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Figgins, Melinda

Board: Greater Kalamazoo Association of REALTORS
Office: Live Local Properties
Phone:(269) 567-8344
Email: citrine78@hotmail.com

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Pappas, John

Board: Greater Kalamazoo Association of REALTORS
Office: Live Local Properties
Agent Type: REALTOR
Phone:(269) 762-2337
Email: jpappasre@gmail.com
Website: www.LiveLocalPropertiesMI.com

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Shariff, Omar

Board: Greater Kalamazoo Association of REALTORS
Office: Live Local Properties
Agent Type: REALTOR
Email: shariffo@gmail.com

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