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Argue, Brenna

Board: Greater Regional Alliance of REALTORS
Office: RE/MAX United (Beltline)
Agent Type: REALTOR
Phone:(231) 392-5372
Email: brennaargue@remax.net
Website: http://www.BrennaArgue.com

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Austin, Jonathan

Board: Greater Regional Alliance of REALTORS
Office: RE/MAX United (Beltline)
Agent Type: REALTOR
Phone:(616) 292-0118
Email: jon@austin-relo.com
Website: http://www.austin-relo.com

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Baez, Delky

Board: Greater Regional Alliance of REALTORS
Office: RE/MAX United (Beltline)
Agent Type: REALTOR
Phone:(616) 889-0491
Email: dbaez@grar.com

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Capps, Kelsey

Board: Greater Regional Alliance of REALTORS
Office: RE/MAX United (Beltline)
Agent Type: REALTOR
Phone:(469) 460-0380
Email: kgracecapps@gmail.com
Website: http://www.GraceCapps.com

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Cortese, Sarah

Board: Greater Regional Alliance of REALTORS
Office: RE/MAX United (Beltline)
Agent Type: REALTOR
Phone:(616) 889-3245
Email: scortese12@gmail.com

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Dauser, Mollie

Board: Greater Regional Alliance of REALTORS
Office: RE/MAX United (Beltline)
Agent Type: REALTOR
Phone:(616) 826-7672
Email: molliedauser@remax.net
Website: http://molliedauser.com

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Gartzke, Brenda

Board: Greater Regional Alliance of REALTORS
Office: RE/MAX United (Beltline)
Agent Type: REALTOR
Phone:(616) 293-4582
Email: bgartzkerealtor@gmail.com
Website: http://brendagartzke.com

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Gross, Curtis

Board: Greater Regional Alliance of REALTORS
Office: RE/MAX United (Beltline)
Agent Type: REALTOR
Phone:(616) 213-5230
Email: curtisgross@remax.net
Website: http://www.Curtisgross.com

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Heeringa, Jessica

Board: Greater Regional Alliance of REALTORS
Office: RE/MAX United (Beltline)
Agent Type: REALTOR
Phone:(616) 633-1130
Email: jessica@austin-relo.com
Website: http://www.austin-relo.com

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Horlings, Rod

Board: Greater Regional Alliance of REALTORS
Office: RE/MAX United (Beltline)
Agent Type: REALTOR
Phone:(616) 291-5824
Email: horlings@grar.com
Website: http://www.https://treelinedevelopers.com/

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Huffman, Brian

Board: Greater Regional Alliance of REALTORS
Office: RE/MAX United (Beltline)
Agent Type: REALTOR
Phone:(616) 437-0537
Email: brian@huffman-homes.com
Website: http://www.BrianHuffmanRealtor.com

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Kenney, Rachel

Board: Greater Regional Alliance of REALTORS
Office: RE/MAX United (Beltline)
Agent Type: REALTOR
Phone:(616) 799-0604
Email: rachelkenney@remax.net

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Mamo, Zoe

Board: Greater Regional Alliance of REALTORS
Office: RE/MAX United (Beltline)
Agent Type: REALTOR
Phone:(616) 648-6550
Email: zoejmamo@gmail.com
Website: http://www.ZoeMamo.com

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Petrovich, Erik

Board: Greater Regional Alliance of REALTORS
Office: RE/MAX United (Beltline)
Agent Type: REALTOR
Phone:(561) 480-8060
Email: erikpetrovich85@gmail.com
Website: http://www.ErikPetrovich.com

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Rich II, Thomas

Board: Greater Regional Alliance of REALTORS
Office: RE/MAX United (Beltline)
Agent Type: REALTOR
Phone:(616) 490-3601
Email: thomas.rich44@gmail.com

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Richardson, Dale

Board: Greater Regional Alliance of REALTORS
Office: RE/MAX United (Beltline)
Agent Type: REALTOR
Email: drichardson0376@gmail.com
Website: http://www.DaleRichardsonRealtor.com

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Schwalm, Jody

Board: Greater Regional Alliance of REALTORS
Office: RE/MAX United (Beltline)
Agent Type: REALTOR
Phone:(616) 581-5960
Email: jodyschwalmrealtor@gmail.com
Website: http://www.JodySchwalm.com

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Woo, Jo

Board: Greater Regional Alliance of REALTORS
Office: RE/MAX United (Beltline)
Agent Type: REALTOR
Phone:(616) 706-8249
Email: jowoo@remax.net

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