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Hodge, Bill

Board: Southwestern Michigan Association of REALTORS
Office: American Homes Real Estate
Agent Type: REALTOR
Email: wmjhodge@msn.com

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Querfurth, Jason

Board: Southwestern Michigan Association of REALTORS
Office: American Homes Real Estate
Agent Type: REALTOR
Phone:(269) 930-0180
Email: jasonquerfurth@sbcglobal.net

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Swisher, Mikki

Board: Southwestern Michigan Association of REALTORS
Office: American Homes Real Estate
Phone:(269) 208-0133
Email: mikki@mikkiswisher.com

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Swisher, Nicole

Board: Southwestern Michigan Association of REALTORS
Office: American Homes Real Estate
Agent Type: REALTOR
Phone:(269) 363-6109
Email: NicoleS.AmericanHomes@gmail.com

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Walton, Kristene

Board: Southwestern Michigan Association of REALTORS
Office: American Homes Real Estate
Agent Type: REALTOR
Phone:(269) 338-5664
Email: kristene38@yahoo.com
Website: https://kristenewalton.com/

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