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Bliss, Stephanie

Board: Greater Regional Alliance of REALTORS
Office: Greenridge Realty (Summit)
Agent Type: REALTOR
Email: sbliss@greenridge.com
Website: http://www.greenridge.com/stephaniebliss

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Block, Brandi

Board: Greater Regional Alliance of REALTORS
Office: Greenridge Realty (Summit)
Agent Type: REALTOR
Phone:(517) 861-0846
Email: brandiblockrealtor@gmail.com
Website: http://www.greenridge.com/brandiblock

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Blohm, Melvin

Board: Greater Regional Alliance of REALTORS
Office: Greenridge Realty (Summit)
Agent Type: REALTOR
Email: melblohm@gmail.com
Website: http://www.greenridge.com/melvinblohm

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Boguslawski, John

Board: Greater Regional Alliance of REALTORS
Office: Greenridge Realty (Summit)
Agent Type: REALTOR
Phone:(616) 570-8120
Email: jbo@greenridge.com
Website: http://https://www.greenridge.com/agents/14098-j-bo-bogus

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Broussard, Sheree

Board: Greater Regional Alliance of REALTORS
Office: Greenridge Realty (Summit)
Agent Type: REALTOR
Phone:(616) 745-2634
Email: sbroussard@greenridge.com
Website: http://www.greenridge.com/shereebroussard

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Burns, Kyle

Board: Greater Regional Alliance of REALTORS
Office: Greenridge Realty (Summit)
Agent Type: REALTOR
Phone:(616) 227-0501
Email: closewithkyle@gmail.com
Website: http://www.closewithkyle.com

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Drake, Kevin

Board: Greater Regional Alliance of REALTORS
Office: Greenridge Realty (Summit)
Agent Type: REALTOR
Phone:(616) 258-1148
Email: kdrake@greenridge.com
Website: http://www.greenridge.com/kevindrake

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Featherston, Laura

Board: Greater Regional Alliance of REALTORS
Office: Greenridge Realty (Summit)
Agent Type: REALTOR
Phone:(616) 485-2044
Email: lfeatherston@greenridge.com
Website: http://www.greenridge.com/laurafeatherston

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Fisher, Charles

Board: Greater Regional Alliance of REALTORS
Office: Greenridge Realty (Summit)
Agent Type: REALTOR
Phone:(616) 218-8206
Email: cfisher@greenridge.com
Website: http://www.greenridge.com/charlesfisher

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Greenhoe, Rebecca

Board: Greater Regional Alliance of REALTORS
Office: Greenridge Realty (Summit)
Agent Type: REALTOR
Phone:(616) 308-6120
Email: bgreenhoe@greenridge.com
Website: http://www.beccagreenhoe.greenridge.com

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Gregory, Sean

Board: Greater Regional Alliance of REALTORS
Office: Greenridge Realty (Summit)
Agent Type: REALTOR
Email: sgregory@greenridge.com
Website: http://www.Greenridge.com/SeanGregory

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Gronbacher, Gregory

Board: Greater Regional Alliance of REALTORS
Office: Greenridge Realty (Summit)
Agent Type: REALTOR
Email: homeswithgregory@gmail.com
Website: http://gregorygronbacher.greenridge.com

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Grypma, Danielle

Board: Greater Regional Alliance of REALTORS
Office: Greenridge Realty (Summit)
Agent Type: REALTOR
Phone:(616) 460-4223
Email: daniellegrypma1@gmail.com
Website: http://www.DanielleGrypma.com

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Howle, Kaya

Board: Greater Regional Alliance of REALTORS
Office: Greenridge Realty (Summit)
Agent Type: REALTOR
Email: kayahowle@gmail.com

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Johnson, Rita

Board: Greater Regional Alliance of REALTORS
Office: Greenridge Realty (Summit)
Agent Type: REALTOR
Phone:(616) 633-2583
Email: rjohnson@greenridge.com
Website: http://ritajohnson.greenridge.com

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Kaufman, Barry

Board: Greater Regional Alliance of REALTORS
Office: Greenridge Realty (Summit)
Agent Type: REALTOR
Phone:(740) 475-7382
Email: bkaufman@greenridge.com
Website: http://www.greenridge.com/barrykaufman

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Klein, Sandra

Board: Greater Regional Alliance of REALTORS
Office: Greenridge Realty (Summit)
Agent Type: REALTOR
Phone:(616) 240-3037
Email: sklein@greenridge.com

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Parks, Lyman

Board: Greater Regional Alliance of REALTORS
Office: Greenridge Realty (Summit)
Agent Type: REALTOR
Phone:(616) 204-6565
Email: lparks@greenridge.com
Website: http://www.greenridge.com/lymanparks

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Schlundt-Bodien, John

Board: Greater Regional Alliance of REALTORS
Office: Greenridge Realty (Summit)
Agent Type: REALTOR
Phone:(616) 292-6924
Email: jbodien@greenridge.com
Website: http://www.johnbodien.com

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Schoen, Mary

Board: Greater Regional Alliance of REALTORS
Office: Greenridge Realty (Summit)
Agent Type: REALTOR
Phone:(616) 915-7556
Email: mschoen@greenridge.com
Website: http://www.greenridge.com/maryschoen

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