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Boss, Dave

Board: Saginaw Board of REALTORS
Office: Wilson Realty
Agent Type: REALTOR
Phone:(989) 714-8965
Email: dboss@realestatebywilson.com

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Damsen, Matthew

Board: Saginaw Board of REALTORS
Office: Wilson Realty
Agent Type: REALTOR
Phone:(989) 714-8557
Email: mdamsen@realestatebywilson.com

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DuRussel, Arthur

Board: Saginaw Board of REALTORS
Office: Wilson Realty
Agent Type: REALTOR
Phone:(989) 385-5226
Email: adurussel@realestatebywilson.com

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Knowlton, Kayli

Board: Saginaw Board of REALTORS
Office: Wilson Realty
Agent Type: REALTOR
Phone:(989) 293-5559
Email: kknowlton@realestatebywilson.com

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Krabill, Cari

Board: Saginaw Board of REALTORS
Office: Wilson Realty
Agent Type: REALTOR
Phone:(989) 598-3522
Email: ckrabill@realestatebywilson.com

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Sackrider, Daniel

Board: Saginaw Board of REALTORS
Office: Wilson Realty
Agent Type: REALTOR
Phone:(989) 980-7151
Email: djsackri@svsu.edu

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Sieggreen, Mark

Board: Saginaw Board of REALTORS
Office: Wilson Realty
Agent Type: REALTOR
Phone:(989) 284-3113
Email: msieggreen@realestatebywilson.com
Website: www.realestatebywilson.com

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Voelker, Kenneth

Board: Saginaw Board of REALTORS
Office: Wilson Realty
Agent Type: REALTOR
Phone:(989) 751-3225
Email: ken@SellingSaginawHomes.com

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Wilson, Gavin

Board: Saginaw Board of REALTORS
Office: Wilson Realty
Agent Type: REALTOR
Phone:(989) 615-8638
Email: gwilson@realestatebywilson.com
Website: www.realestatebywilson.com

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Wilson, Nathon

Board: Saginaw Board of REALTORS
Office: Wilson Realty
Phone:(989) 737-3411
Email: nwilson@realestatebywilson.com
Website: www.realestatebywilson.com

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Wilson, Scott

Board: Saginaw Board of REALTORS
Office: Wilson Realty
Agent Type: REALTOR
Phone:(989) 233-4587
Email: swilson@realestatebywilson.com
Website: www.realestatebywilson.com

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Wilson, Tim

Board: Saginaw Board of REALTORS
Office: Wilson Realty
Agent Type: REALTOR
Phone:(989) 529-9067
Email: twilson@realestatebywilson.com
Website: www.realestatebywilson.com

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