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Allen, Dominique

Board: Greater Metropolitan Association of REALTORS
Office: Exit United Realty Professiona
Agent Type: REALTOR
Phone:(313) 695-4553
Email: domthesolutionist@gmail.com
Website: http://www.domthesolutionist.com

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Beckles, Jefferson

Board: Greater Metropolitan Association of REALTORS
Office: Exit United Realty Professiona
Agent Type: REALTOR
Phone:(248) 497-8237
Email: jeffbeckles.realtor@gmail.com

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Connor, Staphanie

Board: Greater Metropolitan Association of REALTORS
Office: Exit United Realty Professiona
Agent Type: REALTOR
Phone:(313) 457-4600
Email: info@staphanietiera.com

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Jacobs-Combs, Stephanie

Board: Greater Metropolitan Association of REALTORS
Office: Exit United Realty Professiona
Agent Type: REALTOR
Phone:(248) 346-8111
Email: stephanie.combs64@outlook.com

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Johnson, Edwanik

Board: Greater Metropolitan Association of REALTORS
Office: Exit United Realty Professiona
Agent Type: REALTOR
Phone:(313) 482-7284
Email: edwaniktherealtor@gmail.com
Website: http://edwaniktherealtor@gmail.com

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Johnson, Jamil

Board: Greater Metropolitan Association of REALTORS
Office: Exit United Realty Professiona
Agent Type: REALTOR
Phone:(313) 550-4831
Email: Theluxeliferealtor@gmail.com

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Kindle, Moncine

Board: Greater Metropolitan Association of REALTORS
Office: Exit United Realty Professiona
Agent Type: REALTOR
Phone:(313) 459-3516
Email: moncinekindle@gmail.com

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Loyd, LaQua

Board: Greater Metropolitan Association of REALTORS
Office: Exit United Realty Professiona
Phone:(248) 686-6414
Email: laqualoyd.realtor@gmail.com

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Mack, Ania

Board: Greater Metropolitan Association of REALTORS
Office: Exit United Realty Professiona
Agent Type: REALTOR
Phone:(313) 719-5748
Email: macktherealtor22@icloud.com

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Oden, Latawn

Board: Greater Metropolitan Association of REALTORS
Office: Exit United Realty Professiona
Agent Type: REALTOR
Phone:(248) 657-3726
Email: latawnoden@gmail.com

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Page, Anika

Board: Greater Metropolitan Association of REALTORS
Office: Exit United Realty Professiona
Agent Type: REALTOR
Phone:(313) 707-6713
Email: anikaprealty@gmail.com
Website: http://soldbyanikap.com

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Peace, Krishawn

Board: Greater Metropolitan Association of REALTORS
Office: Exit United Realty Professiona
Agent Type: REALTOR
Phone:(248) 470-6236
Email: peacefulestate@gmail.com

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Piner, Randall

Board: Greater Metropolitan Association of REALTORS
Office: Exit United Realty Professiona
Agent Type: REALTOR
Phone:(248) 795-4054
Email: broker@randallthegeneral.com
Website: http://www.randallpiner.com

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Sandford, Courtney

Board: Greater Metropolitan Association of REALTORS
Office: Exit United Realty Professiona
Agent Type: REALTOR
Phone:(586) 883-9898
Email: curatedcourtney@gmail.com

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Sandford, Crystal

Board: Greater Metropolitan Association of REALTORS
Office: Exit United Realty Professiona
Agent Type: REALTOR
Phone:(313) 414-9187
Email: Cthemovementor@gmail.com

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Thompson, Dawn

Board: Greater Metropolitan Association of REALTORS
Office: Exit United Realty Professiona
Agent Type: REALTOR
Phone:(313) 671-9126
Email: ms.thompson87@yahoo.com

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Wilson, Donald

Board: Greater Metropolitan Association of REALTORS
Office: Exit United Realty Professiona
Agent Type: REALTOR
Phone:(586) 277-2959
Email: mrwilson.michiganrealtor@gmail.com

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