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Blazevski, Drake

Board: Greater Metropolitan Association of REALTORS
Office: Re/Max Platinum
Agent Type: REALTOR
Phone:(734) 237-9739
Email: dblazevski@remax.net

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Briggs, Jeffrey

Board: Greater Metropolitan Association of REALTORS
Office: Re/Max Platinum
Agent Type: REALTOR
Phone:(734) 216-6100
Email: jd8300@aol.com

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Brown, Jeffrey

Board: Greater Metropolitan Association of REALTORS
Office: Re/Max Platinum
Agent Type: REALTOR
Phone:(734) 260-0824
Email: Jeff@motorcityrevival.com

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DeCapua, Daniel

Board: Greater Metropolitan Association of REALTORS
Office: Re/Max Platinum
Agent Type: REALTOR
Phone:(734) 730-7061
Email: dan@spotlighthometeam.com

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Finch, Greg

Board: Greater Metropolitan Association of REALTORS
Office: Re/Max Platinum
Agent Type: REALTOR
Email: gregfinchsells@gmail.com

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Hendges, Brett

Board: Greater Metropolitan Association of REALTORS
Office: Re/Max Platinum
Agent Type: REALTOR
Phone:(734) 486-0333
Email: bhendges3@gmail.com

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Jackson, Quran

Board: Greater Metropolitan Association of REALTORS
Office: Re/Max Platinum
Agent Type: REALTOR
Phone:(313) 590-3999
Email: qjackson.remax@gmail.com

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Lemay, Susan

Board: Greater Metropolitan Association of REALTORS
Office: Re/Max Platinum
Agent Type: REALTOR
Phone:(517) 403-1748
Email: slemayrealtor@gmail.com

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Montgomery, Michael

Board: Greater Metropolitan Association of REALTORS
Office: Re/Max Platinum
Agent Type: REALTOR
Phone:(734) 678-4912
Email: Mcmontgomery32@msn.com

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Pham, Thanh

Board: Greater Metropolitan Association of REALTORS
Office: Re/Max Platinum
Agent Type: REALTOR
Phone:(520) 668-0900
Email: thanhphammusik@gmail.com

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Sherman, Robert

Board: Greater Metropolitan Association of REALTORS
Office: Re/Max Platinum
Agent Type: REALTOR
Phone:(734) 259-2092
Email: robsherman@comehomemichigan.com
Website: http://Comehomemichigan.com

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White, Steven

Board: Greater Metropolitan Association of REALTORS
Office: Re/Max Platinum
Agent Type: REALTOR
Phone:(734) 904-9785
Email: mattwhitehomes@outlook.com

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