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Barnes, Walker

Board: Greater Metropolitan Association of REALTORS
Office: RE/MAX Platinum
Agent Type: REALTOR
Phone:(734) 985-1983
Email: WalkerMBarnes@GMail.com

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Bergmans, Christopher

Board: Greater Metropolitan Association of REALTORS
Office: RE/MAX Platinum
Agent Type: REALTOR
Phone:(734) 730-3793
Email: Christopher.Bergmans@GMail.com

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Collica, Kenneth

Board: Greater Metropolitan Association of REALTORS
Office: RE/MAX Platinum
Agent Type: REALTOR
Phone:(734) 604-4426
Email: Ken@Homes-AnnArbor.com
Website: www.Homes-AnnArbor.com

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Cotter, Toni

Board: Greater Metropolitan Association of REALTORS
Office: RE/MAX Platinum
Agent Type: REALTOR
Phone:(734) 320-4666
Email: ToniCotter@Comcast.net

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Crane, Mercedes

Board: Greater Metropolitan Association of REALTORS
Office: RE/MAX Platinum
Agent Type: REALTOR
Phone:(248) 383-3100
Email: MSCrane09@GMail.com

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De Kroub, Joseph

Board: Greater Metropolitan Association of REALTORS
Office: RE/MAX Platinum
Phone:(810) 602-8887
Email: JDeKroub@GMail.com
Website: www.PlatinumRealtorsSell.com

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DeCapua, Daniel

Board: Greater Metropolitan Association of REALTORS
Office: RE/MAX Platinum
Agent Type: REALTOR
Phone:(734) 730-7061
Email: Dan@SpotlightHomeTeam.com
Website: www.spotlighthometeam.com

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Edwards, Adam

Board: Greater Metropolitan Association of REALTORS
Office: RE/MAX Platinum
Agent Type: REALTOR
Phone:(734) 678-3559
Email: ame5212000@gmail.com

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Fletcher, Susan

Board: Greater Metropolitan Association of REALTORS
Office: RE/MAX Platinum
Agent Type: REALTOR
Phone:(248) 255-8101
Email: Fletcher.SusanE@GMail.com

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Gagne, Julie

Board: Greater Metropolitan Association of REALTORS
Office: RE/MAX Platinum
Agent Type: REALTOR
Phone:(734) 323-0682
Email: Julie@JulieGagne.com
Website: www.JulieGagne.com

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Giacalone, James

Board: Greater Metropolitan Association of REALTORS
Office: RE/MAX Platinum
Agent Type: REALTOR
Phone:(734) 395-6533
Email: Jim.JimGRealEstate@GMail.com
Website: www.JimGRealEstate.com

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Glahn, Christopher

Board: Greater Metropolitan Association of REALTORS
Office: RE/MAX Platinum
Agent Type: REALTOR
Phone:(734) 730-3403
Email: ChrisGlahn89@Gmail.com
Website: www.SpotlightHomeTeam.com

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Hanschu, Kimberly

Board: Greater Metropolitan Association of REALTORS
Office: RE/MAX Platinum
Agent Type: REALTOR
Phone:(734) 395-0987
Email: Kim@KimHanschu.com
Website: www.KimHanschu.com

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Jia, Chaoying

Board: Greater Metropolitan Association of REALTORS
Office: RE/MAX Platinum
Agent Type: REALTOR
Phone:(734) 276-7447
Email: CJia1959@GMail.com
Website: www.ReMax-AnnArbor.com

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Khan, Khadija

Board: Greater Metropolitan Association of REALTORS
Office: RE/MAX Platinum
Agent Type: REALTOR
Phone:(734) 972-6114
Email: IveyKhan25@GMail.com

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Kiley, Patrick

Board: Greater Metropolitan Association of REALTORS
Office: RE/MAX Platinum
Agent Type: REALTOR
Phone:(517) 499-9515
Email: pskiley@hotmail.com

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Lynch, Lynne

Board: Greater Metropolitan Association of REALTORS
Office: RE/MAX Platinum
Agent Type: REALTOR
Phone:(734) 262-9709
Email: Lynne.Lynch68@Outlook.com

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Niethammer, Susan

Board: Greater Metropolitan Association of REALTORS
Office: RE/MAX Platinum
Agent Type: REALTOR
Phone:(734) 646-6055
Email: SNiethammer@gmail.com
Website: http://www.A2properties.com

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Robertson, Mary

Board: Greater Metropolitan Association of REALTORS
Office: RE/MAX Platinum
Agent Type: REALTOR
Phone:(734) 216-6666
Email: Mary@MaryRobertson.com
Website: www.MaryRobertson.com

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Saffold, Amy

Board: Greater Metropolitan Association of REALTORS
Office: RE/MAX Platinum
Agent Type: REALTOR
Phone:(734) 216-1902
Email: AmySaffold@GMail.com
Website: www.ReMax-AnnArbor.com

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